At least I am doing it, right??? :)

This week is a week of firsts...
03/21 - Our first plant of the season. We added corn and yellow tomatoes to the carrots and red tomatoes we had last year.
03/22 - Love this sweet peanut. Look at that sweet smile for his mommy! (Click the pic to make it larger.) Max is such a happy baby. He fits right into our loud, busy, crazy family. It is really hard to remember life without him!
03/23 - First time to sit in a highchair. We went to the Purple Cow. Max did great and is getting to be such a great little sitter.
03/24- First fever and first ear infection. 102 degree fever overnight led to a trip to Dr. Neely. And, first antibiotic. Poor guy feels lousy!
03/25 - Happy baby is back! Meds sure do help out quickly! Look at those sweet (fat) baby thighs!
03/26 -Annual Grandparent's Day at Mason's school. This was his second year to have this, but his first year to get up and SING! Yea Mason! I am so proud of you. We got to sit on the front row and enjoy all the grades and then went to Mason's class to hear a few more songs and see the kids demonstrate their singing, counting, recite a couple bible verses and play bingo! (Mimi, Nana, Grandpa and Mason in Mrs. Dillard's K4 class at Grace Academy)
03/27 -Construction has started on a new house down the street from us. Miles, Mason and our neighbor's son (Chr1s) are obsessed with watching the tractors work!
Have a great week!
Thank you for inviting me to Grandparent's day. Had a lot of fun and the songs were adorable. So proud of Mason!
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