Yes, a day late again on my Project Life. Life got in the way. Well, that and the fact that I couldn't find my camera yesterday to download pictures. And, today is Mason's last day of preschool, last day at Grace*Academy and Miles' 3rd birthday.
The tears they are a-flowin' today!
Moving on........

Monday, May 17 - Sweet Max with a fluffy bum! He is getting so confident standing up and has started cruising.
Tuesday, May 18 - The big boys love to shave with Daddy in the mornings. I love the fresh out of the shower look - wet hair, no shirt, yummy smell!
Wednesday, May 19 - Summer = water. The boys enjoyed their first afternoon at the Y sprayground.
Thursday, May 20 - Miles loves his teacher Ms. Catherine. She was so special to us this year and really loved on Miles as he transitioned to "big brother". I just love how he is snuggling with her in this pic!
Friday, May 21 - Mason's class had their Bike Parade today. It was fun despite the crazy high humidity!
Saturday, May 22 - I had a pedicure and painted my toes blue. Miles thought they were so funny and told me to take a picture of them. :)
What a fun busy week you had. Happy Birthday and graduation day. We have a spray park at the y also. Love the blue nailpolish. have a good week.
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