You MUST check out this blog. It is being written by the husband of one of the teachers at Mason's school. The couple travel every summer (and other holidays off school like Spring Break) to Haiti. As you can imagine, he is there now and the work to be done is huge! I hear so much on the news about the needs and the work being done, but it is hard for me to really get a grasp on what needs to be done and how to go about getting it done. Right now, he has a seismic (earthquake) engineer there inspecting individual's homes to see if they are safe to live in so that people can start getting out of tents. Food distributions, physical care of the injured, care for those that are just traumatized. So much to be done. If you want to support them, there is a button on their blog. The wife plans to go spend her Spring Break serving with him (assuming it is still safe to go) and they are saving money for her plane ticket now.
Ok, on to happier things.

This week's pics....
Sunday - 02/14 Digging out of the snow still. Mason and Miles had a great time filling up their dump trucks with snow and moving it around the yard.
Monday - 2/15 Such a happy boy. Maddox enjoys (quiet) Mondays at home with Mommy while his two big brothers are at preschool.
Tuesday - 2/16 There are few things sweeter than itty-bitty hands and feet. They grow so fast, it takes my breath away!
Wednesday - 2/17 Miles has a(nother) follow-up appointment at the ENT. This one is big.... the tube in his right ear is OUT! It was put in on April 10, 2008 and it finally gone. The left ear is starting to loosen, so hopefully only one more follow-up in 3 months!
Friday 2/19 - Mason's school was canceled last week due to the record snowfall. So, they had their Valentine's party today. He is well loved and even received his first flower from a little girl (Josie) in his class! Be still my heart!
(pic of valentines coming......)
Saturday- 2/20 We have a tradition of lunch at Chick-f1l-A on Daddy-day (aka Saturday). The boys always choose to trade in their toy/book for an ice cream. Can't say that I blame them!
Have a blessed week!
These are great pictures. Your boys are so cute. Love all the curly hair.
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