I decided to do something a bit different this week for Project Life. In honor of Mason's birthday (and because the week was SO crazy that I forgot to take pics most days.... shhhh!), this week is all about him and his 5th birthday!
Also this week, we also dedicated Miles' life to the Lord so there is a picture of that included as well..
Monday, Jan 25 - Mason celebrated his birthday by taking cupcakes for his classmates.
Tuesday, January 26 - Mason turns 5. At his request, we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We put a candle in his and sang Happy Birthday to him for the first time today! We had dinner and play time at Chick-Fil-A.

Sat, Jan 30 - Party time! He wanted a construction theme and I found this shirt for him. It says "I dig being 5"
Construction hats, tool belts, toy hammers, tractor stickers - all the kids enjoyed their favors throughout the party
What's a party without cake??? By the time we had dinner and were ready to have cake, the tractors had been moved around the cake a bit!One tired boy after a fun-filled party with lots of family and friends.
Maddox's dedication to the Lord. Since we attend a large church, they encourage us to do our baby dedications in our homes with our community around it. I love doing it this way as it is so personal and we are able to include the scriptures we wanted and have several family members participate.
That was a great idea to just focus on a special even for a week. I think I will probably do that a few times throughout the year. The construction themed birthday party looked like it was a hit!
Forgot to add...I followed your link from Jessica's site!
What a great idea!
I like your pictures for your son's birthday. That is a cool theme to do, love the cake. My daughter's 13 bday is on Tues. so I'm thinking of doing a whole week about her also.
Absolutely love the idea of the dedication in your home with special friends and family around. Sadly, due to family transitions neither of my two youngest boys were dedicated.
What a fabulous construction cake - had to show it to my 5 year old. He then was very excited because he has a Mason in his preschool class. I must ask - did you make it yourself??
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