They say crying in infants peaks at 6 weeks. If today is any indicaion, Max agrees. I tried to get some pics of him for today's post. Well, he was not happy....
He did finally throw Mommy a bone and give me one sweet smile....
That's better! :)
Sweet Maddox, at 6 weeks old:
- You LOVE to eat. But, you hate bottles. At least from Mommy you do.
- You have slept 6 hours straight, but only once. Usually, you do 2-4 hour stretches at night.
- You are a great napper, but like to be up from 8pm-11 or 12 pm.
- You smile at mommy and your brothers.
- You love to watch your brothers play around you.
- You enjoy sitting in the bouncy seat but not the swing.
- You are trying to suck your thumb, but cannot quite get it in your mouth.
- You can still fit into all of your newborn-sized clothes but are starting to wear some 0-3 months just because you have so many cute clothes.
Love that last one and that handsome smile!!
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