A blog I read does a "Thankful Thursday" post every, well, Thursday. I know it is only Tuesday, but I really need to remember all the things that I am thankful for today before I let myself get too overwhelmed with the negatives.
1. I am thankful that Miles does not have the flu or strep and it is just a cold.
2. I am thankful for Mimi (E's mom) that was able to come stay with Mason and Max so I could take Miles to the dr and focus on him.
3. I am thankful that we were able to get our broken garage door spring fixed within just a few hours of it breaking.
4. I am thankful to our neighbor for figuring out the problem with the door in the first place and getting the door open so that I was not trapped at home in case of an emergency. (Thanks, Joe!!)
5. I am thankful that Mason has been very understanding today that his brothers needed mommy a lot and he didn't get a lot of attention.
6. I am SO thankful that the rain stopped and it was a beautiful day.
7. I am thankful that Mason loves to be outside. Alone.
8. I am thankful that our very sweet neighbor thought of us and brought extra dinner for us tonight. She had no idea the day (week) we have had, she just "thought of us" for the extras. I know that God was taking care of our every need. Thank you, Kathryn and thank you, God!
9. I am thankful for this very sweet smile (and that I caught it on camera)!
How can that not make you smile???
11. I am thankful that all 3 boys are sleeping and I have quiet time to finish this post. It does my tired heart good!
Let's see that cute baby again, shall we?!?!?! :)
look how happy he is with his cloth diapers!!!! Good job Mommy!
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