We visited our first preshool for Mason this morning. We are looking at schools for next fall. Many take applications in January, so we have to make decisions pretty quickly. It is so hard to believe that we are at this point in our baby's life. Mason will be 3 in January. I can hardly believe it. I am not sure where the time goes. I am sure that next time I turn around, I will be enrolling Miles into preschool.
There are so many decisions on schools also. 3 or 5 days a week? What school? What teaching philosophy - more play based, montessori, etc? I never knew that there would be so much to think about. We didn't go to preschool and turned out just fine. But, everyone sends their kids now. Kids are "behind" at age 5 if they don't have some sort of schooling before kindergarten. Crazy!!
Miles had his first stuffy nose at the end of last week. Thursday night he hardly slept at all (and yes, Eric was out of town so I was totally on my own with both boys) and Friday the pediatrician told me he has a pretty bad ear infection. Poor kid is still stuffy and now has a runny nose, so he cannot lay flat to sleep. The ear seems better. But, he is working on cutting a tooth. It is close to cutting through and he is chewing on everything in sight! Let's hope it comes in quickly and my happy boy will come back to me!!
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