Ok, my two updates.....
I am still up-to-date in my bible reading. I have finished the first 18 days, which puts me mostly thru Judges. E has been so encouraging and that really helps. I have been finishing my reading most nights and he has sat up with me while I read. That helps so much!
And, Project Life.... I am not sure about the kits. I got mine here. The website said they will be available again 1/22, so keep watching that site (Misty and Tara!).
1/10 - Max has started getting active and getting control of his hands. It is so fun to watch him start to explore the world around him!
1/12 - This is about as close as Max will get to a bottle. Silly boy just won't take a bottle - not milk, juice, water....nothing! What's a momma to do???

1/13 - Laundry. Laundry. Laundry. It is everywhere! I try to keep up, but when I get behind and let it pile up for a few days, this is what a marathon session looks like.....
1/14 - Mason made Miles' lunch for MDO for me. It included (lots of) Cheerios, a cereal bar, peaches, Spidey-treat and apple juice. Everything was put into its own container and ready to go. Sweet sweet boy helping mom and looking out for little brother! He's growing up too fast!
1/15 - Not to be outdone, Miles shows off his brotherly love for baby Max. Well, that and his super-cheesy "cheese" face for the camera! :)
1/16 - Happy 4 month birthday sweet Max! I can't believe it has been 4 months already. I was going to hold off on solids, but since you have decided to add a midnight feeding back into the routine, we decided it was time! You are NOT a fan of rice cereal, but love apples.
Well, that is our week in pics. Laundry is waiting for me, today's bible reading is not yet started, but it is a beautiful 70 degree day outside, so we are going to spend the afternoon the same way we spent most of the morning - outside!!!!
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