5 years ago today....... about to leave for the hospital to become Mommy
4 years ago......1 year old - "Where the Wild Things Are" pajama brunch
3 years ago .... 2 years old - party at the Little Gym
2 years ago .... 3 years old - the obsession with Thomas begins. Our first train party
1 year ago .... 4 years old (Mason was about to tell everyone his special birthday surprise from mommy and daddy: "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!")

Happy Birthday sweet Mason! You hold a special place in my heart that no one else will ever have. My first born - you made me a mommy. You fulfilled my life-long dream of motherhood. You push me, you stretch me, you amaze me, you frustrate me, you make me laugh, you make me wonder, you remind me how fun it is to be a kid, you bring out sides of me I never knew existed - like how much I enjoy soccer games (when you are playing, of course), fishing, running around just because it is fun, going down slides, playing legos, reading and making up silly stories, coloring, building new houses, learning. You have such a sweet, sensitive heart. I pray you never lose that but also that you learn to use it to glorify and serve God all the days of your life.
I love you Mace-a-Roni!
OH they grow up so fast. Happy Birthday!!
Lots of Cloth diaper giveaways
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