I realize I have not updated in over a week. It has been a difficult week. Miles had a low-grade fever on Monday and Tuesday, so we had to check him for fever every 3-4 hours, even at night. Wednesday night, he woke out of habit. We finally got some good, uninterrupted sleep Thursday night. I have also run quite a bit this past week.
Sun - 4.25 miles
Tue - 3.25 miles
Thur - 3 miles
Fri - 2 miles
Total - 12.5 miles
I would like to get it up to a consistent 15-20 miles a week. My knee hurt after most runs, but felt better after a little tylenol or aleve and some rest. Eric is doing great in his marathon training program. He will run Chicago on October 12. We'll hope for better (cooler) weather this year. Kim, Eric's sister, is training to run Chicago for the second time. Mason is, well, Mason. He is such a great helper, loves his brother, and loves to pester his little brother. Most days are great, but we do have tough moments each day. We enjoy going to the library, park, Y, sprayground and playing with the other kids in the neighborhood.

Yesterday was our niece Emilyn's first birthday. Happy Birthday, Em! We are so sad that we cannot be there to celebrate with you!
More later.......
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