Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm a dork!!!
Posted by Kendra at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
4 more days
4 more days until the boys and I leave for Chicago. I am excited on many levels ... getting to spend time with Kim and Emilyn (Ben is not unloved, he will be out of town for work), getting some time away from our house, time to focus on the boys..... all VERY important things. But, I will be honest..... there is one thing that outweighs all of these in my mind right now.
Dallas' forecast (from, which is several degrees cooler than local forecasts)
Wed 99
Th 98
Fri 97
Sat 100
Sun 101
Mon 99
Tue 99
Wed 97
Chicago's forecast (also from so we can compare apples-to-apples)
Wed 89
Th 88
Fri 90
Sat 95
Sun 95
Mon 88
Tue 82
Wed 81
Hmmmmmm....... up to 17 degrees cooler in the middle of our time away. Kim and Em, we love you but we are going to love the weather just a little bit more, I am afraid!
We're actually going to do Miles' first year pictures while we are there so we can do them outside without melting into a puddle of nothingness. It is just too hot to get them done here, at least not until he is closer to 18 months and that is just sad to me.
So, we have a very busy remainder of the week getting ready for the trip. I will be flying with both boys all by myself for the very first time. (In fact, I have never even flown alone with just one child... eekkkk!!) If you have any tips for getting 2 kids, a stroller, one carry-on and myself through security, that would be most helpful. Also, any suggestions on keeping Miles entertained on a small plane (American Eagle)? Mason will watch a movie on the portable DVD player, but Miles.... not sure how that one is going to turn out. Hopefully all the Sunday morning travelers will be more understanding than work-week travelers (Yes, I used to be one of those work-week business travelers and I hated being near "that family").
Posted by Kendra at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I hesitated to write about this. I didn't want to "jinx" anything or speak too soon. For about the last 3-4 months, Miles stopped refluxing. We took him off his meds. Life was great (or at least spit-up free)!!!
Until last week.
Miles started spitting up.
Just a little.
I thought it was odd, but didn't really think much about it. Until last weekend hit. What I thought was a possible tummy bus is actually Miles' reflux back. In full force. As in losing full meals or bottles. (Yes, he still gets a bottle of milk at bedtime. This very well might be our last child, he enjoys his bottle, and I enjoy the time spent with him cuddling. I may never get this again. So, for now, the bottle stays. But, I digress........) It is not every feeding. It is not always a full feeding that he loses. It depends. It is inconsistent. It is reflux, not a tummy bug.
I am totally and completely sad. I am hoping that it is only from teething. Teething can cause a reflux flare-up. Or so I am told. He only has 4 teeth at almost 14 months old, so clearly we are due for some serious teething very soon. Just hoping it is a short phase. So, we go back on prevacid and I get to carry burp cloths and a change of clothes for both of us everywhere we go. I will again be stressing out when feeding him at a restaurant or at someone else's house of the mess that may be coming. I am sad to the point of tears. Sad for Miles that he has to endure this. Again. Sad for me (selfishly) that I am stressed about it again and for all the messes I see in our future. Just sad....
Posted by Kendra at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Miles
Monday, July 21, 2008
100 posts!
The boys and I are headed to Chicago in just 13 more days. Poor Daddy has to stay home and work. I am excited to get away from Dallas, the heat, our house....!!! And, excited for the boys and I to get to play with Cousin Emilyn! :) We just have to get everyone well...... could take the full 2 weeks!
Here are a few pics from the last few weeks to enjoy! Here are some fun things that we have done so far this summer.

Miles is such a happy boy. He loves to play with his brother and is starting to get into Mason's toys more and more. He pushes cars, trucks and trains around the house now and is quickly becoming a "big boy"! We did have his ENT follow-up last week and his ears look great. Nothing really to report, so that is great. We'll go back in 3 months. We also had a GI follow-up and because of some bad reactions to cow's milk, he is going to stay on soy milk until 18 months old (end of November - Thanksgiving). Our doctor got paged to the ER right after he came in, so we will be talking to him again soon about more details of all this. Also, he is up to 24 pounds now. His 15 month well-baby check is at the end of August.
We also had to get Miles his own dump truck to push around the yard like big brother Mason. Having only one dump truck for two little (possessive, sometimes greedy) boys just doesn't cut it. So, off to Target mommy goes to buy another identical truck! :)
Both boys also love to play the piano. I think that it is so cute to see them sitting on the bench together banging, I mean playing away.
OK, that is all for now. If you are still with me, congratulations for making it this far. I think that this is the longest post I have ever published! Keep checking back for more fun summer pics and tales of our tummy-woes!!! Leave me a comment if you are still reading. I know that this is mostly for me, but I would love to know who is reading and keeping up with our boys and family!!
Posted by Kendra at 9:12 AM 2 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Sorry I have not been posting more regularly. Things have been busy (especially with Mason sick) and I have had a terrible headache for the last few days. The weekend was busy, but mostly fun. Our niece Emilyn's first birthday party (at least her Texas birthday party) was on Saturday evening. Mason spent as much time as possible in the pool, as did mommy and daddy. Miles swam a little and then spent time entertaining everyone. Em was very cute but tired from her busy, busy weekend!
We did very little today. But, we have a very busy week ahead. I have not run or exercised at all in 2 weeks, so I plan to get to the gym several times. Monday: Y to run and park/picnic lunch. Tu: Y and Mason's swim lessons. Wed: Miles has an ENT follow-up and a GI follow-up appt. Hoping Mason can spend time with a certain cousin or friend so he does not have to be tortured through 2 appointments. Th: Attending a talk at the church on teaching toddlers/preschoolers about money. Should be interesting -- we have been trying to explain this to Mason, but not too successfully, I don't think. Fri: Y and library. Sat: Miles' 1-year pics and family pics. Should be interesting since Mason HATES having his pic taken.
We received Mason's packet from Grace Academy for the fall with his teacher and class list. He is in a class of 15 -- 8 boys, 7 girls. I am excited about that. He was the only boy in his MDO class last year for quite a while. It caused, well, issues. Problems. "Incident reports." Every mother's dream.......... LOL! :)
I'll post (or try really hard to post) throughout the week. But, definitely after the dr appts on Wednesday. Gotta run. It's late and momma is tired and still fighting a headache....
Posted by Kendra at 9:54 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Still sick
Mason is still sick. I'll spare everyone the details, because they are not pretty. I thought things were better yesterday, but this is by far the worst day. No school for him tomorrow. So sad. Miles is doing well though, so he can still go. I am sure that he will enjoy getting out of the house. All 3 of us have cabin fever. Very serious cabin fever!!!
That's all today. Not much to post. Just very sad, bored and longing for some social interaction at the Kimball house!
Posted by Kendra at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mason: 4, Miles: 2, Mommy: 1
We have had quite a crazy few days. The holidays were fun, overall. Mom had sinus surgery (ok, that part was not fun, especially for her) on Thursday, so I spent most of the day with her. I had to leave to get the boys from MDO, of course, but she got to go home at the same time (around 1:45). That evening, we went to the Addison airshow and fireworks. Mason had a great time. Miles stayed home with a sitter, so Mommy and Daddy got to have a great time as well. We didn't have to chase down anyone and Mason played so well with our neighbor, Chris. Friday, we went to Eric's parent's lake lot and their first annual 4th parade and BBQ lunch. We stayed after and let the boys play in the pool with Daddy and Grandpa. Miles came home with us and Mason went to Mimi and Grandpa's house. Saturday, Miles and Mommy slept in while Daddy did his weekly training run. We met up with Mason, Mimi and Grandpa in the afternoon in the Ft. Worth Stockyards. They took a ride on the Grapevine Vintage Railroad Tarantula Train ( and afterwards, we went to dinner downtown for Mimi's birthday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIMI!!!)
Sunday was a quiet day. Today, well that is another story...... thus, the score (see the title). Those numbers are the number of times each person listed has had a bath/shower in the past 24 hours. Mason has a little tummy bug that is causing diarrhea (sorry... kinda gross). I am hoping we are past the worst of it, but still be cautious. Miles had a bath last night and spaghetti for dinner tonight. Enough said. Mason is supposed to have swim lessons tomorrow morning and that is his absolute favorite activity of all time. We're going to have to play it by ear to see if he can actually go. I'm hoping for the best.
Better run. I promise to update with some very, very cute pics soon!!!
Posted by Kendra at 6:58 PM 0 comments