I love to read.
If you have known me for more than 5 minutes, you know that about me. I can't just read one book at a time. I have 3 on my bedside table (one deep, reflective one that I can only read a little of at a time; one light fiction that I can hardly put down; and one other just for grins), 3 in my car for waiting in carline or just waiting on someone, several spread throughout the house to pick up as I have time (ha, I know). We have books overflowing in the den bookshelves, hall bookshelves, my bedside table, everywhere.
We started collecting coffeetable books after we were married as travel souveniers. Virginia, Washington DC, Turkey, Paris, Boston, San Francisco.... the list goes on.
Why do I love to read? I love reading about new places. New people. New perspectives. I love escaping my reality for a few moments and traveling in someone else's shoes. I love learning. I love expanding my horizons.
But mostly, I love the twist. I love when a story has a twist to it. Don't get me wrong, I love a good, predictable love story as much as the next girl. But, I love a good twist. Something you didn't see coming. Like in "My Best Friend's Wedding" (yes, the movie, not a book, but stay with me), Julia Robert's character goes to the wedding of her (male) best friend to break the happy couple up and steal the guy. Long story short, she fails and he marries the intended bride. It wasn't your typical love story where everything works out for the main character.
(stay with me, there is a point.....)
Life has been full of twists and turns lately. Things I never saw coming have blindsided me. In good and bad way. I was shocked almost two years ago when Miles was born and he was a boy. I just knew that he was a girl. I was equally shocked when his hair finally came in and was SOOOO curly! :) What a great surprise! I am surprised at how happy I am being a stay-at-home mom. Never thought I would do it, much less enjoy it. Little things surprise me in day to day life. I am surprised that I miss Mason and Miles being around the house on the days they are at school. (But I do enjoy the quiet!)
This is the biggest surprise of all lately........
We'll be welcoming another baby Kimball into the house in September.
Yes, this a great surprise! :)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wait for it.....
Posted by Kendra at 6:56 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - Snow (Ice) day
Posted by Kendra at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Mason-isms part 2
Last weekend, Mason spent the night with Mimi and Grandpa. They purchased a play kitchen at Christmas for all the grandkids to enjoy. They were upstairs and Mason was playing in the kitchen. Mimi was sitting nearby watching him play. Mason looked over and told Mimi:
Mace: "Mimi, you're the mommy"
Mimi: "OK"
Mace: "I'm the Daddy"
Mimi: (looking at Grandpa with a worried/amused expression wondering where this is going) "ok"
Mace: "You go cook. I'm going for a run!"
Mason then proceeds to run laps around both floors of their house.
Mimi and Grandpa were in hysterics and apparently debated if they should tell me and what my reaction might be.......
Mommy: "Out of the mouths of babes........" :)
Our closest friend very recently had a baby and Mason was fascinated with her growing belly and now the new baby.
Mason: Mommy, there's a baby in my tummy.
Me: Really?
Mason: And he's getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Me: He is?
Mason: Yep. And, I know how the baby comes out.
(Ummmmmm.... what? He know what???)
Long pause........
Mason: He comes out right here (pointing to his belly button).
Me: That is right baby. That is where the baby comes out. (WHEW!!!! He can keep believing that until he is in childbirth classes with his wife in 20+ years!!!!)
Posted by Kendra at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Poor Miles
The kid can't seem to catch a break. He's had a runny nose for a week and a half, maybe 2 weeks. It is winter, so I don't really keep up with these things. As long as it is clear (which it has been), there's no fever (nada), and he can go to school (of course!) I don't worry.
This morning he was fussy. If you know Miles, you know that he is not a fussy kid. He's happy, loud, busy, rough, lots of things, but not fussy. Today tho..... he has been FUSSY! Long story short, we went to Litt1e Gym, went to Targ*t, picked up Mason from school (half-day today) and come home. He refused to eat (another clue to the puzzle), napped for 2 hours and woke with a fever of 102.5. Tylenol seems to have gotten him closer to normal temp.
These are some sad eyes....
But oh, those eyelashes.......!!!
Posted by Kendra at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Crazy weather!
Posted by Kendra at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Keeping it real
I had a couple of comments e-mailed to me about my blog/thoughts on 12/29.
Here is what I sent back to one commenter. Just wanted to share with everyone.
I love reading other's blogs, but get so tired of hearing how great life is. I really want to keep things real so that maybe when others are feeling the same way, they will not feel alone. Don't get me wrong, there are moments of greatness every single day. But, as you know, there are also moments of really tough decisions and bad behavior (mine and the boys) every day. I am striving to live in the moment and not get bogged down in the bigger picture.
I spent several hours this afternoon working on travel plans to Boston in April. Not the best time to go, you might be thinking??? Oh, but it is when your plans include your hubby running his first (of many, I am quite sure) Boston Marathon!!! You have to qualify to run this race by running another race really, really fast. (3:10:00 for males under 35, I believe). It is run on Patriot's day every year (yes, a Monday, which also makes it unique as most are run on Sundays). And, the Boston Marathon is the world's oldest annual marathon. In 2008 nearly 22,000 runners completed the race. This year, only 25k people will be allowed to enter the race. This year, Olympians Ryan Hall (American half-marathon record holder) and Cara Goucher will also be running Boston. Can't wait to see them run past us!
Posted by Kendra at 9:25 PM 0 comments