I still find it quite ironic that I have 2 sweet sons. Who knew???!!!??? I mean, I wore dresses with lots and lots of ruffles and socks with ruffles and diaper covers with ruffles and bows in my hair. I am a girly-girl to the extreme! And I have boys. Two of them! Again, who knew?!? But, I wouldn't trade either of them for anything in the world. (Ok, maybe one or both of them for a few hours, but that's it! :) I promise!)

We had Miles dedication yesterday (pics to come) and it was such a blessed time with family and friends. It is a huge commitment to give your child back to God. I just want to hold them close and protect them forever from anything that might harm them. I don't want them to make mistakes or fall (physically, emotionally, or spiritually). But, as a mother and as a human, I know that they will and that I will have to watch them make good and bad mistakes on their own. I also know that it is my role to point them to the Savior and live my life in such a way that they will see Him through me. It is such an immense responsibility. It is overwhelming and satisfying at the same time. I have found my purpose and my reason in this world. I am Mason and Miles mommy and I am proud and honored to fill that role.

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