Thursday, September 27, 2007
4 months old!
Posted by Kendra at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Labels: MandM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Posted by Kendra at 3:46 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Things I love
1) Every morning when Mason gets up he tells me "Macey good nap" . ("Mason had a good nap.") I love that. It is so precious and innocent.
2) When Miles wakes up, he is so happy. I take him out of his swaddling blanket and he smiles and stretches and stretches and stretches. Legs, arms, chest. He also usually toots and even that is cute.
3) Miles loves to watch Mason. He has his first "man-crush" and it is on his big brother. I love that Miles already idolizes Mason. At the same time, I am afraid of all the things (trouble, messes) they are going to get into together.
4) I love watching Eric interact with Mason and Miles. Mason and Daddy are buddies. Mason wants to be like his Daddy. Daddy imitates Mason and becomes a big kid again. The suit and tie come off and he is not "professional/attorney" anymore, he is a loving daddy. With Miles he is sweet and tender and playful. It makes my heart smile.
5) God has blessed us with wonderful family that is nearby. I know that I can call on any number of people and they would not only watch my boys on a moment's notice, but M&M would be loved and cared for. I love that security and safety net.
6) God has also blessed us with amazing friends that are more extended family than just friends. They too support us, encourage us, cheer us, and help us when we need it. I feel so unworthy of such blessings in life.
7) Mason is at school (mother's day out). Miles is sleeping. The house is quiet. Enough said! :)
I hope everyone has a blessed day. Drop me a line and let me know you are reading our blog. I love hearing from you. Here is a verse for today....
Psalm 118:29 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Posted by Kendra at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: thoughts
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Potty training and exersaucers
I know, this is my second post in a day. But, I thought of more things to share.
Mason is doing great with his potty training! We have the occasional accident, but I think that we are at the point where I can say why yes, he is potty trained, and feel confident that he will not make me out to be a big fat liar! I have learned many things through the process and the top two items on the list are 1) do not buy pull-ups. They greatly prolong the process. And 2) they will be potty-trained when they are ready. Not a moment before. One day they will know what to do but refuse and the next they just decide to use the potty like a big kid. They obviously have to be taught what to do, but they will do it when they are ready. I have seen this in several kids and while for some it is quick and easy, for others (like us) it was a long and difficult journey. But, he is doing great and I choose to celebrate that fact!
Miles is having a big day as well. He played in the exersaucer for the very first time. He seemed like he really enjoyed it and he immediately started grabbing for toys. He held his head up well (we have not be terribly diligent about tummy-time) and fussed at me when I took him out to give him a rest. I have included a fun video of him in it. In case you cannot tell, as he is playing with the butterfly, he is licking/chewing on the turtle's foot. Can anyone say t-e-e-t-h-i-n-g???? Enjoy!
Posted by Kendra at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: MandM
Two boys.... who knew

Posted by Kendra at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: MandM