Monday, January 5, 2009

Crazy weather!

So, Saturday it was 84 degrees out. Life was perfect. We played outside. The boys ran, played with their trucks and soccer ball. Ahhhhh.... the good life. Unfortunately, it was short lived. Oh, so short lived.

Today, it has been raining all day long. It has been 32-34 degrees all day. Did I mention the rain? Pouring rain most of the day. So, the water is freezing on the signs, trees, bushes. We have a bunch of live oak trees in our neighborhood. Those do not lose their leaves in the winter. So, the freezing rain sitting on branches is bad enough. Add a large tree with all its leaves and ice on all the trees, well, you get......

These bushes normally stand straight up and are at least (normally) 5-6 feet tall.

These bushes (in the front) also normally stand straight up --look at the branches now - nice arcs!!!

Usually, the tree branches don't touch the roof of the house. REALLY hope we don't lose that limb..... I'm starting to feel a little nervous. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50s, so as long as we don't lose any limbs through the night, we are in the clear. Keep your fingers crossed.....!!!!