Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Caffeine addiction?

Yep, I got it.
I had a check-up at the doctor's this morning and it called for bloodwork. So, I had to fast from midnight last night until my appointment today (not until 11:15). No food. More importantly, no caffeine. It was almost 1pm before I finished at the drs and found the nearest source of caffeine. By that time, I had a migraine coming on. Seriously??? Am I that addicted? Apparently so because I started feeling it hurting around 10am. This is one of those "it's not going away until I sleep" headaches. Great. How many hours until bedtime? (The boys and mine!)
Oh, and apparently Miles did not get the memo. So, I'm going to be clear.
Dearest Miles,
Love of my life. Baby of mine. Sweet boy. I pay someone to keep you 12 hours a week. That is all the time that your poor, hurting mommy gets to be away from you. All week. I love you. But, I would really appreciate it if you would start scheduling your poops for during that 12 hours and not the first two after you get home from said time away from me. Saving two really stinky poops for me this afternoon where I am trying really hard not to toss my cookies is not really nice.
Love always, Mommy

Me: Mason, please take this diaper to the trash for me, ok?
Mason: That stinks.
Me: I know. Please take it to the trash.
Mason: What is it?
Me: Miles' poopy diaper. Please take it to the trash.
Mason: Oh. Can I look at it?

(Huh? Seriously. Only a boy would want to look at a poopy diaper.)
Me: No. Trash. Now. Please.

Dear friends with boys after having girls (yes, Keely and Irini, that would be you two),
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I can't wait until they get older! You just wait.....!
Love, Your supportive friend Kendra
Before my head splits in two,
Saturday's run: 9 miles -> 1:48:48 Slow, SO windy, but I did it. I made it all the way around White Rock Lake. I have wanted to do that for several years. Goal completed.
Shorter run Saturday
Next long run, Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning - 8 miles