Friday, October 3, 2008

Miles is sick

Miles seemed to feel yucky yesterday, had a runny nose, didn't eat and was generally fussy.

Last night the fever started and he didn't sleep well. Lots of coughing.

This morning, more fever (+101), cancelled all plans for the day, went to see the pediatrician. No strep, just a cold or other random virus. Yucky yellow runny nose, clear ears (thanks to the tubes, I am sure), fever not breaking, only eating snack-type foods, fussy, red, runny eyes.

He did sleep for a couple of hours late morning, so I am thankful for that.

I went through Mason's old clothes and apparently, he hit a huge growth spurt from 12 mo clothes to 24 mo clothes. He had very few 18 month clothes. How did that happen? I found a few things that will fit Miles once the cooler weather sets in (seriously - how is it still over 80 degrees in October?). We may have to start buying a few things soon though - unles he hits a growth spurt. He has not really put on any weight in the last month though (maybe a few ounces), so we'll have to wait and see on that one.

And, here's a picture of the sick boy. Look at his eyes - all red and watery. He is smiling, but that was very short-lived! And, he has 101.7 fever right now.